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Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Gokugakku: Cruel Class!!?. Anything posted here will also show up there.
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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
Okay I am so joining this it sounds kind of awesome.

bananaramma - Member for 0 years
Awesome or Sucks hard: There is no kinda.~ JayZeroSnake's fail impression of yoda

JayZeroSnake - Member for 1 years
Good you Aixulram, and thanks for accepting her JayZeroZnake.

bananaramma - Member for 0 years
I'll bet our characters are gonna get along. :3 I can't wait to get this RP started! :D
Last edited by Aixulram on Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Aixulram - Member for 0 years
does anyone also want to play a teacher role? I plan to make the sheet for the principal later.
you don't have to, but I at least need two more adults to help keep the peace. Otherwise for students, we can say there are many, but the story just focuses on a central group, in this case, all the characters with big important sheets. :D
No prob, Banana. :D

JayZeroSnake - Member for 1 years
I can't play more than one character in a RP... anyway, I just wanted to say I updated Erin's profile. It has a few more tidbits of information on it now.
Edit: You know what? Scratch that. Do we use the skelly for the teacher or what? I wanna make Ms. Thorn. I have the perfect picture.

Aixulram - Member for 0 years
yeah, its pretty diverse for character creation, so no limits there that'll screw you up when making a teacher.
EDIT: One major thing! teachers have to have certain personalities, too strict, mean, etc, but deep down they all care about their students and eachother.

JayZeroSnake - Member for 1 years
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