Tuesday 31 July 2012

Romney comments at fundraiser outrage Palestinians

JERUSALEM (AP) ? Mitt Romney told Jewish donors Monday that their culture is part of what has allowed them to be more economically successful than the Palestinians, outraging Palestinian leaders who suggested his comments were racist and out of touch with the realities of the Middle East. His campaign later said his remarks were mischaracterized.

"As you come here and you see the GDP per capita, for instance, in Israel which is about $21,000 dollars, and compare that with the GDP per capita just across the areas managed by the Palestinian Authority, which is more like $10,000 per capita, you notice such a dramatically stark difference in economic vitality," the Republican presidential candidate told about 40 wealthy donors who ate breakfast at the luxurious King David Hotel.

Romney said some economic histories have theorized that "culture makes all the difference."

"And as I come here and I look out over this city and consider the accomplishments of the people of this nation, I recognize the power of at least culture and a few other things," Romney said, citing an innovative business climate, the Jewish history of thriving in difficult circumstances and the "hand of providence." He said similar disparity exists between neighboring countries, like Mexico and the United States.

Palestinian reaction to Romney was swift and pointed.

"It is a racist statement and this man doesn't realize that the Palestinian economy cannot reach its potential because there is an Israeli occupation," said Saeb Erekat, a senior aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

"It seems to me this man lacks information, knowledge, vision and understanding of this region and its people," Erekat added. "He also lacks knowledge about the Israelis themselves. I have not heard any Israeli official speak about cultural superiority."

As criticism mounted while Romney traveled to Poland, campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul said: "His comments were grossly mischaracterized." The Republican's campaign contends Romney's comparison of countries that are close to each other and have wide income disparities ? the U.S. and Mexico, Chile and Ecuador ? shows his comments were broader than just the comparison between Israel and Palestine.

While speaking to U.S. audiences, Romney often highlights culture as a key to economic success and emphasizes the power of the American entrepreneurial spirit compared to the values of other countries. But his decision to highlight cultural differences in a region where such differences have helped fuel violence for generations raises new questions about the former businessman's diplomacy skills.

As he has at home, Romney in Jerusalem cited a book titled, "Guns, Germs and Steel," that suggests the physical characteristics of the land account for the differences in the success of the people that live there.

"And you look at Israel and you say you have a hard time suggesting that all of the natural resources on the land could account for all the accomplishment of the people here," Romney said, before citing another book, "The Wealth and Poverty of Nations," by former Harvard professor David Landes.

This book, Romney said in Jerusalem, concludes that "if you could learn anything from the economic history of the world it's this: Culture makes all the difference. Culture makes all the difference."

The economic disparity between the Israelis and the Palestinians is actually much greater than Romney stated. Israel had a per capita gross domestic product of about $31,000 in 2011, while the West Bank and Gaza had a per capita GDP of just over $1,500, according to the World Bank.

Romney, seated next to billionaire casino owner Sheldon Adelson at the head of the table, told donors that he had read books and relied on his own business experience to understand why the difference is so great.

His comparison of the two economies did not take into account the stifling effect the Israeli occupation has had on the Palestinian economy in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem ? areas Israel captured in 1967 where the Palestinians hope to establish a state.

In the West Bank, Palestinians have only limited self-rule. Israel controls all border crossings in and out of the territory, and continues to restrict Palestinian trade and movement. Israel annexed east Jerusalem in 1967, but has invested much less heavily there than in Jewish west Jerusalem.

And although Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, it continues to control access and has enforced a crippling border blockade since the Islamic militant Hamas seized the territory in 2007.

It's true that Israel has logged tremendous achievements, said Abraham Diskin, a political science professor at the Inter-Disciplinary Center outside of Tel Aviv. But "you can understand this remark in several ways," he added. "You can say it's anti-Semitic. 'Jews and money.'"

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund repeatedly have said that the Palestinian economy can only grow if Israel lifts those restrictions.

"It's Israeli occupiers and Palestinians under occupation, and that's why Palestinians cannot realize their potential," Erekat said.

The breakfast with top donors ? including Adelson, New York Jets owner Woody Johnson and hedge fund manager Paul Singer ? concluded Romney's visit to Israel, the second leg of a three-nation overseas tour designed to bolster his foreign policy credentials.

Standing on Israeli soil for the first time as the GOP's presumptive presidential nominee, Romney on Sunday declared Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel and said the U.S. has promised never to "look away from our passion and commitment to Israel."

The status of Jerusalem is a critical issue in peace talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

In Israel, Romney did not meet with Abbas or visit the West Bank. He met briefly with Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad.

Romney's campaign says the trip, which began in England last week, is aimed at improving the former Massachusetts governor's foreign policy experience through a series of meetings with foreign leaders. The candidate has largely avoided direct criticism of U.S. President Barack Obama while on foreign soil.

The Jerusalem fundraiser, however, was a political event that raised more than $1 million for Romney's campaign. It marks at least the second finance event during his tour. The first, in London, attracted about 250 people to a $2,500-per-person fundraiser.

Both presidential candidates have aggressively courted American donors living abroad, a practice that is legal and has been used for decades.

Romney's declaration that Jerusalem is Israel's capital was in keeping with claims made by Israeli governments for decades, even though the United States, like other nations, maintains its embassy in Tel Aviv.

His remarks on the subject during a speech drew a standing ovation from the audience, which included Adelson, the American businessman who has promised to donate more than $100 million to help defeat Obama.

Adelson was among a several donors who flew to Israel for a day of sightseeing with Romney in addition to private meetings with top Israeli officials.

Romney flew to the Middle East from Britain, where he caused a stir by questioning whether officials there were fully prepared for the Olympic Games. A stop in Poland will complete his trip.

Four years ago, Obama visited Israel as a presidential candidate, part of a five-nation trip meant to establish his own foreign policy credentials.

A goal of Romney's overseas trip is to demonstrate his confidence on the world stage, but the stop in Israel also was designed to appeal to evangelical voters at home and cut into Obama's support among Jewish voters and donors. A Gallup survey of Jewish voters released Friday showed Obama with a 68-25 edge over Romney.

Romney and other Republicans have said Obama is insufficiently supportive of Israel.


Associated Press writers Amy Teibel in Jerusalem and Steve Peoples in Washington contributed to this report.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/romney-comments-fundraiser-outrage-palestinians-115109978.html

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Bret Michaels & Kristi Gibson?s Engagement Off!

Bret Michaels & Kristi Gibson’s Engagement Off!

Poison frontman and “Celebrity Apprentice” winner Bret Michaels has split from his longtime girlfriend. The singer, who proposed to Gibson on “Bret Michaels: Life As [...]

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Monday 30 July 2012

Small Business Majority breaks away from the pack | The Salt Lake ...

When John Arensmeyer owned a high-tech company, he didn?t feel that the organizations that lobbied on behalf of small business really represented him ? or many other business owners.

"They put forth a monolithic view of what small business wants," says Arensmeyer. "I felt they were overly partisan and overly ideological and didn?t really look pragmatically at what small businesses need. So I felt there was an opportunity and a need for a new voice."

In 2005, Arensmeyer founded Small Business Majority, a group that now has 8,000 business people nationwide in its network. Like other lobbying groups, Small Business Majority takes positions on issues including tax and regulation. But it doesn?t follow the pack. Arensmeyer?s group supported President Barack Obama?s overhaul of the health care system ? a stark contrast to the National Federation of Independent Business, which unsuccessfully argued against the law before the Supreme Court.

"Policy makers need to listen to different voices because there are a variety of small businesses out there," Arensmeyer says. "One of the things we?re trying to do is be somewhat of an aggregator of some of those voices."

Arensmeyer, now based in California, began his working life as a commercial and corporate law attorney in New York, where he was born. He served as chief operating officer of SoftAd Group, a developer of multimedia marketing products, and then founded ACI Interactive, an e-commerce company. He started Small Business Majority after selling his company.

Arensmeyer spoke recently with The Associated Press. Here are excerpts, edited for clarity and brevity:

Q. How is Small Business Majority different from other small business groups?

A. Most small business owners are pragmatic, the vast majority. Some are ideological on the right, some are ideological on the left. The fact is, most small business owners, as I did when I ran my business, get up in the morning and worry about payroll, worry about putting out a good product, worry about their customers, worry about all the bumps in the road. I felt that on many issues, the business organizations took very ideological, sort of blanket positions. For instance, all government is bad, or all government regulation is bad. That?s not the way most small business owners think. Most small business owners welcome government involvement sometimes, recognize a role for government sometimes, and sometimes they think government has gone too far. You really need to look at things on an issue by issue basis. Whether the issue was taxes or regulations, just to blanketly say all taxes are bad or all regulations are bad, I didn?t think that was an appropriate way to look at the world. I think it has hindered the ability of those organizations to really work constructively with policymakers on both sides of the aisle to forge solutions.

Q. When you say that small business owners don?t take blanket positions, how do you know that?

A. We?ve done extensive polling over the last five, six, seven years. When I started the business, it was a feeling I had but it?s been validated by polling.

story continues below

Q. What did you see in the health care law that made you support it?

A. The starting point is that the existing system is completely broken, so it?s hard to imagine anything worse than the status quo. That?s an important starting point because you have to be open to look at a variety of different solutions. We know that cost is the biggest consideration for small businesses. And so we were obviously looking for ways that the law could bring down costs, whether it was something specific for small businesses like tax credits, or the health insurance exchanges, which will enable small businesses to have the same kind of bargaining power as big businesses and offer their employees the same level of choice.

Small businesses pay 18 percent more than big businesses for the same coverage. The exchanges should get pretty close to leveling that because you spread the administrative costs and you provide small businesses with the same negotiating power as big businesses. That?s cost containment. Obviously, getting everyone into this system, the so-called individual responsibility provision, that?s a cost containment provision ? because right now, we?re all paying for people who are using the system and not contributing to it. The provisions in the law that put some kind of control over what the insurance companies can charge versus what they?re actually paying for medical care. All of these pieces as the Affordable Care Act began to be debated were important and we thought collectively, they were a huge step in the right direction. ..

All in all, we didn?t see any downside. The employer responsibility provision (that requires businesses with more than 50 employees to provide health insurance) is so narrow it only affects 4 percent of all businesses, and of the 4 percent, the vast majority are already offering coverage. You have a very narrow swath of people who were affected by that.

Is it as perfect as it should be? Of course not, but it?s such a staggeringly large improvement over the status quo. That?s why we did support the law. What we need to do now is get it implemented, figure out what?s working and what?s not. Again it?s all about pragmatically looking at the facts. If there?s a portion of this law that isn?t working in two or three years, we should all be ready to stand up and say, it?s not working, let?s fix it.

Q. What is another issue that Small Business Majority has a different stand on?

A. Another example is clean energy. Clean energy is a huge economic engine for this country, for big and small businesses, and yet the policies that certain groups push seem to be supported only by traditional fossil fuel companies ? not even all big businesses, much less any small businesses. So again, it was an example of groups stating a business position, calling it good for small business, and really only reflecting a narrow segment of the big business community.

Next Page >

Copyright 2012 The Salt Lake Tribune. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/money/54568719-79/business-businesses-majority-think.html.csp

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Robert Pattinson Ready to Propose Before Affair?

This is devastating. Sources claim that Robert Pattinson was getting ready to propose to Kristen Stewart just before the affair scandal hit. The worst part is that they say Kristen Stewart knew about the proposal! There is one “saga” that is starting to seem bigger than Twilight, and this the whole cheating affair that has swept the web. You probably know by now that a photographer caught pictures of Kristen Stewart supposedly snogging with the director of Snow White and the Huntsman; Rupert Sanders. Yeah, and that Rupert guy is married with kids. Anyway, all heck has broken loose, and it sounds like R-Patz is packing up and moving out. The newest little thing to happen is that some sites are saying they were going to be engaged soon! Ouch. According to reports, the young super-rich couple were out shopping for diamond rings a few weeks before the scandal hit. This changes everything for me. I pictured them as a couple that probably never saw each other. You have Rob out working on one movie, with Kristen working on a another. Half of the time they aren’t even together for red carpets. But now I can picture them shopping and [...]

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RightCelebrity/~3/uP5ZlM-VxIc/

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PFT: Chargers GM laments team no longer 'elite'

Brett FavreAP

The Brett Favre playing era ended in 2010. ?The Brett Favre coaching era officially has begun.

When agent Bus Cook recently acknowledged that Favre would be helping out at Oak Grove high school, the place where Favre prepared for his various unretirements, Cook didn?t know what Favre?s precise role would be. ?As it turns out, Favre will serve as offensive coordinator, according to the Associated Press.

And Oak Grove isn?t some rinky-dink school. ?The 6A program at the 1,500-student facility is a perennial power in Favre?s home state of Mississippi.

?The stress is already getting to me,? Favre joked. ??I?ll wake up in the middle of the night saying, ?Hey, maybe we can do this? ?Maybe that will work???

If it doesn?t work, he won?t lose any money. ?He?s doing the job without pay. ?And perhaps for good reason.

?My experience in pro football means nothing,? Favre said. ?Absolutely nothing here. ?It?s totally different. ?So our biggest learning curve as a team might be my learning curve.?

So what does Favre bring to the table?

?I really believe I?m good at reading people,? Favre said. ??From being in the huddle, being in the locker room and in all those meetings for all those years, I understand that some people learn this way and some learn another way. . . . ?My whole job is to try and keep things simple. ?The more you have to think, the less your talent can show.?

It also gives Favre a way to keep busy, without having to leave home.

?One of the reasons I retired in the first place was I wanted to be in one place and experience all these things with my family,? Favre said. ?This year will be a trial basis [for coaching]. ?I feel like I can help the kids, but I?m not promising we?ll win any more games. ?Shoot, we might not win one.?

Favre?s comments help explain why he hasn?t gotten into broadcasting. ?Unlike players, who have 10 road games per year, players-turned-media-members are on the road every week. ?For Favre, he would have been traveling to a game site every Thursday or Friday, or to the ESPN (Connecticut), NBC (New York), CBS (New York), or HBO (L.A.) studios every Friday or Saturday.

Plus, he would have had to wear a tie. ?And something other than flip-flops.

He?ll likely be wearing something other than flip-flops on the sidelines at Oak Grove. ?But there will be no ties, and the travel will entail at most hopping into a bus on Friday afternoon, and getting home late Friday night.

Source: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/07/30/a-j-smith-chargers-have-lost-respect-and-credibility/related

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Sunday 29 July 2012

Military helicopters pound Aleppo as onslaught looms

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian military helicopters pounded a central district of Aleppo on Saturday as forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad prepared for an onslaught on rebel fighters that could determine the fate of the country's biggest city, opposition sources said.

Turkey, once a friend but now a fierce critic of the Syrian government, joined growing diplomatic pressure on Assad, calling for international steps to deal with the military build-up.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition group which collects information on the uprising against Assad that has gripped Syria for the past 16 months, reported helicopter attacks on the central Salaheddine district of Aleppo and violent clashes elsewhere in the city.

"Helicopters are participating in clashes at the entrance of Salaheddine district and bombarding it," the group said in an emailed statement. "There are also violent clashes at the entrances to Sakhour district."

The battle for the city of 2.5 million people is seen as a crucial test for a government that has committed major military resources to retaining control of its two main power centers, Aleppo and Damascus, in the face of a growing insurgency.

While neither side has managed to gain the upper hand, the outcome of the uprising is being watched anxiously in the surrounding region and beyond, amid fears that sectarian unrest could spread to volatile neighboring countries.

Three rebel fighters were killed in clashes between midnight and dawn on Saturday in Aleppo, the Observatory said. It said 160 people were reported killed in Syria on Friday, adding to an overall death toll of around 18,000 since the uprising began.

Video footage provided by the Observatory showed smoke rising over apartment blocks in the city into a hazy sky on Saturday. The sound of sporadic gunfire could be clearly heard.


Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said late on Friday that international institutions needed to work together to address the military assault on Aleppo and Assad's threat to use chemical weapons against external enemies.

"There is a build-up in Aleppo, and the recent statements with respect to the use of weapons of mass destruction are actions that we cannot remain an observer or spectator to," he said at a joint news conference in London with British Prime Minister David Cameron.

"Steps need to be taken jointly within the United Nations Security Council, the Organisation of Islamic Countries, the Arab League, and we must work together to try to overcome the situation," he said.

Earlier, Erdogan had cheered on the rebels.

"In Aleppo itself the regime is preparing for an attack with its tanks and helicopters ... My hope is that they'll get the necessary answer from the real sons of Syria," Erdogan said in remarks broadcast on Turkish TV channels.

Cameron said Britain and Turkey were concerned that Assad's government was about to carry out some "some truly appalling acts around and in the city of Aleppo".

U.N. rights chief Navi Pillay urged both Syrian government forces and rebels on Friday to spare civilians in Aleppo, voicing deep concern at the "likelihood of an imminent major confrontation" in the city reminiscent of other deadly assaults.


United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he was deeply concerned about reports that Syria could use chemical weapons and demanded that the government should state it would not use them "under any circumstances".

But the White House said such a promise from the Syrian president was "certainly not enough" given Assad had paid only lip service to a U.N.-backed peace plan.

"Assad's word is not worth very much," White House spokesman Jay Carney said. "Any use of those weapons, any failure to safeguard those stockpiles would be a very serious transgression that would result in those responsible being held accountable."

In stating this week that it would not use chemical weapons against its own people, but might do so against external threats, Syria caused major international concern about its stockpiles of non-conventional weapons.

The increase in fighting in Aleppo follows a bomb attack on July 18 that killed Assad's defense minister and three other top officials in Damascus, a development that led some analysts to speculate that the government's grip was slipping.

Since then, Assad's forces have mounted a strong counter-attack against rebels in Damasacus as well as concentrating forces for an expected assault on Aleppo.

(Writing by Giles Elgood; editing by Andrew Roche)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/military-helicopters-pound-aleppo-onslaught-looms-081039947.html

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Activists hope gay marriage debate will stir Japan

Koyuki Higashi is slim, articulate and intelligent, things that make a would-be wife attractive to many in Japan. But Higashi knows she will probably never marry because she is a lesbian.

Despite the increasing tolerance of gay marriage in much of the developed world, especially in Europe, and a gradual acceptance of the issue in more liberal states in the US, the subject is not on the radar in Japan or in many parts of Asia.

But when Barack Obama gingerly put his head above the election year parapet, announcing he was in favour of same-sex marriage, it lit a spark of hope on the other side of the Pacific in conservative Japan.

"Seeing the US president expressing his support for same-sex couples was like being told it was ok to be who we are," said Higashi, 27.

"Everyone now knows Obama supports same-sex marriage. The impact is so big, it's incomparable."

Her partner, 34-year-old Hiroko, who uses only one name, agreed.

"I was really happy to see Obama use his starpower in that way," she said.

Obama's pronouncement preceded a global campaign aimed at encouraging a stronger voice for gay rights.

His administration dispatched Mark Bromley, chair of advocacy group Council for Global Equality, to Japan in June -- gay pride month -- where he told reporters equality for same sex couples was an important tenet of human rights.

"(Hillary) Clinton was very elegant in saying that minorities can never fully protect themselves; minorities need majorities to find full protection and full acceptance," said Bromley, who has a 2-year-old daughter with his husband.

"That requires laws and political support, and social space."

Homosexuals in Japan welcomed the gesture, but, warned gay expat David Wagner, it was likely to disappear into the void.

"I doubt it will have much impact on other nations such as Japan where the will of the people rarely takes priority," said Wagner, who has lived in Japan for 25 years.

"Japan is clearly more tolerant than many places," he said, adding gays and lesbians in Japan are unlikely to encounter outright hostility, something he puts down less to acceptance than to a people who "are agnostic and tend to mix religions."

But "tolerance has limits in Japan," he said.

A week after Obama became the first sitting US president to back gay marriage, Higashi scored a little victory for the lesbian, gay and bisexual community in Japan when she confirmed with Tokyo Disneyland that same-sex couples could hold their wedding ceremonies at the theme park.

But the park warned that celebrations would have no legal standing because Japanese law does not recognise same-sex partnerships.

Nor does it recognise or give the same rights to any number of other family arrangements long considered acceptable in some countries.

Under rules that have changed little since World War II, married couples must use the same surname and women are barred from remarrying within six months of their divorce.

Any baby born within 300 days of a divorce is automatically the former husband's and children born out of wedlock have far fewer rights to inherit than their legitimate siblings.

Women can marry at 16; men must wait until they are 18; one divorcing parent must completely give up custody of their child, a rule that usually means an estranged father all but disappears.

The nation's divorce rate began climbing in the 1960s, after decades in which about 70,000 couples terminated their marriage each year.

In 2011, nearly 236,000 couples separated, according to welfare ministry statistics. Around 660,000 couples tied the knot in that year.

Shuhei Ninomiya, professor of law at Ritsumeikan University, said the imported debate over gay marriage may help, in the long run, to provoke discussion over how the family as an idea can adapt to the needs of 21st century Japan.

"The law is not designed for divorcing parents to communicate and share child custody after they separate," he said. "Under the law, marital diversity is largely denied.

"Discrimination against children born out of wedlock, stigmatising them because of their parents' marital status, has been justified to protect legitimate marriage."

"We need to hear Obama's support for same-sex couples as a broader message that forms of marriage can be colourful and different for each couple."

Hiroko said the gay marriage debate was an important one for everyone in Japan, where the pressure to conform to social norms is high.

"Both majority and minority groups should join hands, otherwise we cannot hope to see a change in the law," she said.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/activists-hope-gay-marriage-debate-stir-japan-035350026.html

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The requirement and procedure to obtain the information of physical data and juridical data is regulated in the Agrarian State Minister Regulation/Head of National Land Agency Number 3 of 1997 on the Implementation Provision of Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 on Land Registration (?Agrarian State Minister Regulation No. 3/1997?).

Under Article 187 of Agrarian State Minister Regulation No. 3/1997, the information of physical data and juridical data in land registration map, land register, measure letter and land book are open to the public. The requirement to obtain information of physical data and juridical data of land is a written application by mentioning of its need, except the Information Letter of Land Registration (SKPT) which is granted for a certificate?s examination by Land Conveyancing Officer (Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah/ PPAT) does not need a written application. The information may also be granted to the interested parties by visually or in writing. If the information is granted in writing, then it shall be granted in the form of Information Letter of Land Registration (SKPT).

Under Article 191 of Agrarian State Minister Regulation No. 3/1997, the physical data and juridical data which are listed in the name?s list may only be granted to the Government agency which requires for implementing their duty. The procedure of its application is by submitting the application which states the related need. The application is fulfilled after it is approved by the Head of Land Agency.

Alsha Alexandra Kartika

Technorati Tags: Agrarian Law, Juridical Data, Land, Physical Data, Procedure

The Requirement and Procedure to obtain the Information on Physical Data and Juridical Data of Land

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Source: http://www.indonesiarealestatelaw.com/2012/07/28/the-requirement-and-procedure-to-obtain-the-information-on-physical-data-and-juridical-data-of-land/

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Danes set sights on claim to North Pole

Denmark will dispatch a scientific expedition to the Arctic Ocean at the end of the month to gather data before it submits a formal claim to a vast tract north of Greenland that includes the North Pole.

Such a claim would be made under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), setting up a possible clash of interests with fellow Arctic coastal states Russia and Canada that are making their own claims.

"We need the data that we plan to acquire on this cruise," said Christian Marcussen, the expedition's chief scientist from the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland. "But ... we are quite confident that we will be able to make a submission."

Denmark admits it is interested in staking a claim to a part of the planet believed to be rich in untapped oil and gas, but rules out a unilateral "land grab" or being drawn into confrontation over competing claims.

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"I reject the confrontation scenarios that have been presented in the media and academic circles," Klaus Holm, Denmark's Arctic ambassador, said.

"If there is any area where every party has an interest in cooperating, it is the Arctic. The challenge is so huge and the areas are so vast."

The expedition will sail from Svalbard off northern Norway on July 31 aboard the Swedish icebreaker "Oden" and will gather seismic and depth data to substantiate a future possible claim, for which the deadline for Denmark is November 2014.

Danish flag at pole?
Denmark has identified five potential claim areas off the Faroe Islands and Greenland ? both parts of the Kingdom of Denmark.

Copenhagen has already submitted claims for areas north and south of the Faroes and for two areas south of Greenland to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) which assesses the scientific validity of such claims.

Any dispute would, however, need to be resolved through negotiations between states, and not by the CLCS.

The other area Denmark has identified ? likely to be the most sensitive part of any future claim ? is roughly 150,000 square kilometers (58,000 square miles) extending north from Greenland and including the North Pole.

For that claim to be credible, much depends on whether the expedition is able to gather data to prove that the Lomonosov Ridge, an underwater formation spanning 1,800 kilometers (1,118 miles) across the pole, is an extension of Greenland's land mass.

Russian scientists claim that the ridge is an extension of Russia's land mass, but that does not exclude that it could also be an extension of Greenland and Canada, Marcussen said.

Under the U.N. convention, a country can extend its 200-nautical-mile economic zone if it can prove that the continental shelf is a natural extension of its land mass.

Russia caused controversy in 2007 when a mini-submarine took the Russian flag to the seabed at the North Pole, sparking accusations of imperialism.

Marcussen said he didn't rule out stopping at the pole to plant a Danish flag on the ice, as his team did in 2009, if it happened to be on the icebreaker's route.

But he said that was not the goal of the 45-day expedition and that any flag would be removed after such a ceremony.

(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2012. Check for restrictions at: http://about.reuters.com/fulllegal.asp

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/48357702/ns/technology_and_science-science/

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Friday 27 July 2012

Gonzalez leaning strongly toward retirement

Atlanta Falcons tight end Tony Gonzalez makes a catch during football training camp in Flowery Branch, Ga., Friday, July 27, 2012. AP Photo/John Bazemore)

Atlanta Falcons tight end Tony Gonzalez makes a catch during football training camp in Flowery Branch, Ga., Friday, July 27, 2012. AP Photo/John Bazemore)

FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. (AP) ? Atlanta Falcons tight end Tony Gonzalez said Friday that he's 95 percent sure the upcoming season will be his last in the NFL.

Gonzalez said he wasn't ready to completely rule out a return in 2013 because he's learned "to never say never."

Last November, Gonzalez passed Terrell Owens, Tim Brown, Cris Carter and Marvin Harrison to become the NFL's No. 2-career leading receiver with 1,149 catches.

Gonzalez said he believes he could play at a high level for perhaps another three years after earning his 12th trip to the Pro Bowl last season. At 36, however, he doesn't want to hang around too long.

The Falcons, who acquired Gonzalez in a March 2009 trade with Kansas City, signed him to a one-year, $6.9 million contract extension.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/347875155d53465d95cec892aeb06419/Article_2012-07-27-Falcons-Gonzalez/id-dfcff102698f46cb8720d1da90b60536

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Greek prime minister meets austerity inspectors

ATHENS, Greece (AP) ? Greece's prime minister is meeting international austerity inspectors to outline new harsh cost-cutting reforms, without which the country would likely lose the rescue loans that are keeping it afloat.

Antonis Samaras, whose conservative-led coalition came to power just over a month ago, is under intense pressure to implement and expand on his predecessors' reform pledges.

The meeting in Athens Friday comes a day after EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso urged Samaras to "deliver, deliver, deliver" on the promises.

European Union, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank officials started a new scrutiny of Greece's austerity program this week.

The debt-crippled country has been surviving on international bailouts since May 2010. To secure them, it imposed deeply resented spending cuts, slashing incomes and salaries while hiking taxes.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2012-07-27-Greece/id-c50979790fd94fb980a322304481b48e

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It can be fully normal and healthier to express thoughts of frustration but you should do it when you find yourself relax. You need to communicate all those negative feelings in case you are at any time gonna try to solve them but doing the work if you are currently mad is not really gonna support any person.

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Women who give birth after age 30 lower their risk of endometrial cancer

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Women who last give birth at age 40 or older have a 44 percent decreased risk of endometrial cancer when compared to women who have their last birth under the age of 25, according to strong evidence in a new, international study led by a researcher at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California (USC).

Endometrial cancer strikes the endometrium, the tissue lining the uterus (womb), and is the most common gynecological cancer in the United States.

Veronica "Wendy" Setiawan, Ph.D., assistant professor of preventive medicine at the Keck School, was the principal investigator of the study, "Age at Last Birth in Relation to Risk of Endometrial Cancer: Pooled Analysis in the Epidemiology of Endometrial Cancer Consortium," which found that risk begins to decrease after age 30 by approximately 13 percentage points for each five-year delay in last births. Compared to women who last give birth before age 25, those who have their last child between age 30 and 34 reduce their risk by 17 percent and those between age 35 and 39 reduce their risk by 32 percent.

"While childbearing at an older age previously has been associated with a lower risk of endometrial cancer, the size of this study definitively shows that late age at last birth is a significant protective factor after taking into account other factors known to influence the disease ? body weight, number of kids and oral contraceptive use," Setiawan said.

The study, believed to be the largest of its kind, examined pooled data from four cohort studies and 13 case-control studies. Funded by the National Cancer Institute, the research examined a total of 8,671 cases of endometrial cancer and 16,562 control subjects, all derived from studies in the Epidemiology of Endometrial Cancer Consortium. Results are now available online in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

"We found that the lower risk of endometrial cancer continued for older mothers across different age-at-diagnosis groups, including under 50, 50-59, 60-69, and over 70 ? which shows that the protection persists for many years," Setiawan said. "Protection also did not vary by the two types of the disease: the more common Type 1, which we think is related to estrogen exposure; and the more rare, but more aggressive and deadly, Type 2, which have been thought to develop independent of hormones."

Setiawan noted that endometrial cancer is the fourth most common cancer diagnosed among American women. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2012 about 47,130 new cases of cancer of the uterine body will be diagnosed, and about 8,010 women will die from such cancers. The vast majority of those cases are endometrial cancer.

Setiawan's research also examined whether the association between age at last birth and endometrial cancer was consistent across race and ethnicity. The protective association was observed in Caucasian and Asian women, but not in the study's small subset of black women, and Setiawan suggested this warrants additional study of larger groups of black women.

More research is necessary to determine why late age at last birth might protect against endometrial cancer, but Setiawan notes that several potential mechanisms have been suggested by other investigators, including:

  • Women capable of becoming pregnant at an older age may possess a healthy endometrium or experience fewer menstrual cycles without ovulation;
  • Prolonged exposure to the hormone progesterone during pregnancy may be especially beneficial at older ages, the critical period for endometrial cancer development;
  • Premalignant or malignant cells of the uterine cavity's mucosal lining, which are more likely to exist with increasing age, are shed during childbirth.

"This study shows an important protective factor for endometrial cancer, and when the exact mechanism by which it protects women from getting the disease is known, it can help our understanding of how endometrial cancer develops and thus how to prevent it," Setiawan said.


University of Southern California - Health Sciences: http://uscnews.usc.edu/archives/health/

Thanks to University of Southern California - Health Sciences for this article.

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Source: http://www.labspaces.net/122021/Women_who_give_birth_after_age____lower_their_risk_of_endometrial_cancer

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Thursday 26 July 2012

Air Conditioner vs. Heat Pump-Climate Is the Key

When it comes to heating and cooling equipment, numerous people are confused by the many options available. Whether you are having your unit repaired or need to replace it, knowing the variations between your alternatives can help you make more knowledgeable decisions. Heat pumps and air conditioners each have their own characteristics, and deciding on the best one to have put in will depend on your climate and how you heat and cool your home.

Throughout the summer, air conditioners and heat pumps work the same. Refrigerant in a cold, liquid state moves through the evaporator coil. The unit?s blower blows air past the coils, chilling the air. The coils then soak up heat from the home and the refrigerant inside expands into a gas. This gas moves outside to the condenser where the refrigerant loses its heat as a fan blows over the coils. The refrigerant then moves into a compressor to be compressed back into a cold, liquid condition to move back into the home?s evaporator coils and repeat the procedure.

In the wintertime, heat pumps turn this cooling method backwards. So instead of drawing heat from the home and expelling it outside, heat from the outside is pumped into the dwelling. These are commonly not very effective if you live in an area where it generally freezes in the winter, but for mild areas in the South with typical winter lows around 45 degrees Fahrenheit, this equipment works well for warming a house.

If you have an air conditioning system set up, you will still need another heating unit to keep you warm throughout the winter season. If you have an existing furnace that continuously needs repair, look at a heat pump to replace it and your A/C system if you dwell in an area with a mild winter climate. Talk to your HVAC service technician to determine if you require a new heating or cooling device, and what your best alternatives are.

Keeping your home warm in the winter season and cool in the summer time is a matter of having the proper equipment for the job. Your decision to have either a heat pump to heat your home or an air conditioner and auxiliary furnace will establish how comfortable your home is all through the year.

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Source: http://www.artsadvise.net/air-conditioner-vs-heat-pump-climate-is-the-key/

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Sahaj Kohli: Dating Advice: How Not to Lose Yourself in a ...

If you're anything like me, the minute you commit yourself to a partner, everything starts to revolve around him or her. You want to make sure you meet his or her needs, but you're also unconsciously always thinking of ways to make him or her happy. You genuinely like striving to be the perfect partner. Totally understandable. But while you're submerging yourself in the life of this other person, you may not be making your own the priority it should be.

How do you find the balance between giving to your partner and holding onto yourself in the process?

Here's a list of 16 ways to date someone you're really, really into without losing yourself.


1) Spend time with friends -- without your partner. It's great when your significant other and your friends like one another, but your friends don't always want your other half around when they are trying to spend time with you. The way you interact with your friends when your boyfriend or girlfriend tags along is necessarily different -- and less intimate -- than when you show up solo. It just is. So plan -- and show up for -- a standing after-work happy hour or weekend brunch that's just for you and the people who were there for you before Mr. or Ms. Wonderful came along.

2) Identify hobbies and interests that you don't share -- and keep doing them. You and your significant other are not going to enjoy all the same activities. Don't stop nurturing your pottery skills just because your partner doesn't especially love ceramics. It's important to support each other's interests -- even and maybe especially when they aren't shared.

3) Speak up for yourself. While committing to another being is a great thing, giving up your needs and feelings up for that person isn't. Don't compromise or undermine your own desires just because a) you want to give the other person everything they want or b) you're scared that you'll lose him or her if you need something different. A functional relationship makes room for what both of you need, and your partner can't know what you need if you don't voice it. If he or she walks when you do express yourself, better that than losing yourself to someone unwilling to hear you and meet you halfway.

4) Map out plans for your future irrespective of your significant other. It's fine to make plans with your partner and even discuss a possible future together, but it's just as important to establish for yourself what you want out of your career and work toward the things you want in your personal life. Spend some time charting short-term and long-term goals that have nothing to do with your significant other. Make sure you're aware of what you won't give up for anyone.

5) Disconnect electronically. Spending time "apart" while constantly chatting and texting with your partner isn't really taking time for yourself. To retain your sense of who you are, you need to set aside time to do your thing -- work, exercise, read, journal, pursue personal projects, whatever -- without checking in with your partner every five minutes.

6) Remember that you don't have to experience everything with him or her. That movie you've been looking forward to is finally coming out? A friend in another city invited you to visit for a weekend? Have a chance to go skydiving for the first time? It's tempting to invite your partner to come along, but realize that you don't need to experience these things with him or her, especially if it's something you've been wanting to do since long before you met. It's okay to enjoy them by yourself or with friends -- you're not required to share.

7) Get inspired. If your partner doesn't motivate you to be the best version of you, it's worth asking whether this is the right relationship for you. If you're well matched, both of you feel free -- and encouraged -- to reach your full potential.

8) Be open to new things. Part of maintaining your sense of self is knowing you can try something new without sacrificing your core values and tastes. Give your partner's hobbies and interests a shot at least once. If you enjoy them, great. If not, don't do them again, and be confident in that choice.


1) Become too dependent. Being in a relationship doesn't mean you're off the hook when it comes to taking care of yourself and your own feelings. It's easy to look to your partner to shelter you from the world and distract you when everything else makes you want to crawl into a hole, but continue to fight your own battles. It's nice to have someone who wants to comfort you, and it's perfectly all right to let him or her, but make sure you don't need it.

2) Talk about your relationship nonstop. You do not want to be the person who brings every conversation with friends back to the time your partner said this or did that. Chances are you saw, talked to, texted, Skyped with, IMed and/or emailed with him or her very recently. Your time with friends is an opportunity to discuss other things.

3) Talk to each other all the time. If you're in constant contact with your partner throughout the day, what are you going to talk about when you actually see each other? Leave some topics for when you meet up for dinner or come back home to each other or talk on the phone at night. Also, you can't live your own life if you're always talking to someone else.

4) Let the status of your relationship affect your whole outlook. It's never fun or easy when you and your partner fight, but do your best to compartmentalize. The less you let what's going on in your relationship affect your work, friendships and interaction with family, the better. If the state of your relationship entirely determines your mood, then you are probably too consumed by it.

5) Neglect other important relationships. If you have plans with family or your best friends, don't flake last minute to stay in with your significant other. A good relationship will definitely withstand you taking the time to honor commitments to people outside it.

6) Depend on the other person to complete you. "Jerry Maguire" was a movie. Fiction. In reality, your partner should make you happy, not make you whole.

7) Shrink yourself. Don't resist success, a promotion or making more money than your partner to boost his or her ego or spare his or her feelings. Someone who truly loves you and who is worth loving is secure enough to cheer you on.

8) Go immediately from one relationship to another. We all know that person who never seems to take any time for herself between breakups to grieve, mend and remember who she is independent of the person who was such a huge part of their lives for however long. Don't use relationships as an excuse to never focus on yourself, your flaws or your personal growth. It sounds schlocky, but liking who you are is important. If you don't, it's worth working on a) being kinder to yourself and b) becoming a person you love. The fact that someone else loves you doesn't rescue you from the project of loving yourself.

You can follow Sahaj Kohli on Twitter.

How do you avoid losing yourself in your relationship? Tweet your thoughts @HuffPostWomen using #KeepingMyself and we'll include them in a slideshow below.


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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sahaj-kohli/dating-advice-how-not-to-lose-yourself_b_1701314.html

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Business events scheduled for Thursday

Major business events and economic events scheduled for Thursday:

WASHINGTON ? Labor Department releases weekly jobless claims, 8:30 a.m.

WASHINGTON ? Commerce Department releases durable goods for June, 8:30 a.m.

WASHINGTON ? National Association of Realtors releases pending home sales index for June, 10 a.m.

WASHINGTON ? Freddie Mac, the mortgage company, releases weekly mortgage rates, 10 a.m.

WASHINGTON ? Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner testifies before the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee about the annual report of the Financial Stability Oversight Council.

3M Co. reports quarterly financial results.

Amazon.com Inc. reports quarterly financial results.

Amgen Inc. reports quarterly financial results.

The Dow Chemical Co. reports quarterly financial results.

Exxon Mobil Corp. reports quarterly financial results.

Facebook Inc. reports quarterly financial results.

Sprint Nextel Corp. reports quarterly financial results.

Starbucks Corp. reports quarterly financial results.

Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. reports quarterly financial results.

United Continental Holdings Inc. reports quarterly financial results.

Oil and gas company Royal Dutch Shell PLC reports quarterly financial results.

Consumer-goods maker Unilever NV reports quarterly financial results.

Swiss drugmaker Roche Holding AG reports quarterly financial results.

French drugmaker Sanofi reports quarterly financial results.

French telecommunications equipment maker Alcatel-Lucent reports quarterly financial results.

German automaker Volkswagen AG reports quarterly financial results.

Japanese automaker Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. reports quarterly financial results.

Korean automaker Hyundai Motor Co. reports quarterly financial results.

LONDON ? International policymakers, including International Monetary Fund boss Christine Lagarde and European Central Bank president Mario Draghi, gather in London to discuss the state of the world economy.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/business-events-scheduled-thursday-183031597.html

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Wednesday 25 July 2012

33 Cloud Service Providers Join Zerto Cloud Disaster Recovery ...

BOSTON, MA ? (Marketwire) ? 07/23/12 ? Zerto today announced that 33 leading Cloud Service Providers (CSP) from around the globe have joined the Zerto Cloud Disaster Recovery Ecosystem (ZCE). Providers in the ecosystem are now able to offer cloud disaster recovery (DR) services in a way that was not possible before, enabling businesses of all sizes to cost-effectively protect production applications both to the cloud and in the cloud.

Businesses are looking to the cloud to provide cost-effective data protection for their production applications. With cloud DR, companies can now replace their primary or secondary data centers and benefit from cloud automation and flexibility while having a solid DR assurance. Until now, cloud-based DR for production applications had been ineffective, complex and cost-prohibitive. Due to limitations with legacy array-based replication, CSPs were required to have exactly the same storage type as their customers, increasing their overall costs. Further driving up costs was the complexity of managing these cloud-based DR offerings, which were inflexible, labor-intensive and difficult to scale. By resolving these problems for CSPs, Zerto makes the cloud itself more resilient, so CSPs can provide enterprise customers with tight SLAs and assurance when placing their most critical business applications in the cloud.

?Zerto?s solution has been adopted by cloud service providers because it enables them to offer simple, automated, storage-agnostic DR at an attractive price,? said Ziv Kedem, Zerto CEO and co-founder. ?Recent outages show that until now, customers hoping to use the cloud for disaster recovery had no viable options. The widespread participation in Zerto?s Cloud DR Ecosystem shows that the service provider community is eager to offer DR services that work better with their cloud environments and meet the rigorous standards companies expect of DR services.?

?For our enterprise customers, disaster recovery can be a critical step in the cloud journey,? said Ben Miller, Product Solution Director at Bluelock. ?Before Zerto, a true multi-tenant, cloud-based DR service compatible with Bluelock?s VMware vCloud Datacenter Services was not possible. Zerto provides a secure hypervisor replication capability that will allow Bluelock to provide a disaster recovery offering with the economics and agility of cloud computing that customers have been seeking.?

The Cloud DR offering that ZCE partners will deliver to their customers is based on Zerto Virtual Replication 2.0, the latest version of Zerto?s hypervisor-based replication solution. Companies can choose DR-as-a-Service (DRaaS), protecting on-premise applications to the cloud, and/or In-Cloud DR, protecting applications deployed in the cloud and replicated to a secondary cloud datacenter.

?Zerto provides a solution for our customers who want to decrease their costs while increasing the functionality of their DR environment,? said Ken Seitz, Manager of Product Strategy at Peak 10. ?Having Zerto as part of our overall BC/DR offerings allows simpler configuration for our customers and improves the ability to replicate directly into the Peak 10 recovery cloud. The ZCE combined with our existing cloud infrastructure makes disaster recovery available for a large segment of our customers who once thought it was out of reach.?

Additional testimonials from members of the Zerto Cloud Disaster Recovery Ecosystem can be read at www.zerto.com/zerto-cloud-dr-ecosystem-partner-testimonials.

Zerto Cloud Disaster Recovery Ecosystem founding members include:

North America

Europe & Asia Pacific

For additional information on joining the Zerto Cloud Disaster Recovery Ecosystem (ZCE), please visit http://www.zerto.com/zerto-cloud-dr-ecosystem-program. To find a local provider of Zerto Virtual Replication please visit www.zerto.com/cloud-service-providers.

About Zerto
Zerto provides enterprise-class business continuity and disaster recovery solutions for virtualized infrastructure and cloud. Zerto won Best of Show at VMworld 2011 as well as 2011 Product of the Year Gold Award. Zerto Virtual Replication is the industry?s first hypervisor-based replication solution for tier-one applications replacing traditional array-based BC/DR solutions that were not built to deal with the virtual paradigm. For more information, please visit: www.zerto.com

Social Media Links:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/zertocorp

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/zerto

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ZertoCorp

Mark Prindle
Fusion Public Relations
(212) 651-4223

Source: http://www.nearshorejournal.com/2012/07/33-cloud-service-providers-join-zerto-cloud-disaster-recovery-ecosystem/

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