Saturday 24 March 2012

Be Don Draper in 'Mad Men' 8-bit ?video game

17 hrs.

Fans of AMC's hit show "Mad Men" are probably wondering where their video game adaptation is. Surprisingly, none have been announced. So until that day comes (no guarantees if it ever will, by the way), we have yet another excellent production by The Fine Brothers.

You may be familiar with the handiwork of Benny and Rafi Fine, via our look at their interactive ode to "Twilight" from a few years ago. Their take on "Saved By The Bell" has been equally popular, and don't forget ?Harry Potter" by Doctor Octoroc, the person responsible for all the Fine's music and animation.

8bit iterations on contemporary subject matter, even it has nothing to do with gaming, are hardly rare. The fact that the following is actually playable is what makes it stand out:

The game takes places right after season four and has the player assuming the role of Don Draper. The goal is ?to save the Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce advertising firm from oblivion. But to do so, Don's creativity, confidence, and inner peace stats must be max. And to do that, conversations must be had with other characters in the game, in a fashion that Draper is best known for.

Three different endings are possible, and it's a great way to get reacquainted with the subject matter before season five premiers this upcoming Sunday.


Matthew Hawkins is an NYC-based game journalist who has also written for EGM, GameSetWatch, Gamasutra, Giant Robot and numerous others. He also self-publishes his own game culture zine, is part of?Attract Mode, and co-hosts?The Fangamer Podcast. You can keep tabs on him via?Twitter,?or his personal home-base,?


gunner kiel

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