Saturday 3 November 2012

Profit Hacks Review - Is It The Answer You Need? - Online Profits

Profit Hacks is the latest course promoted by Rich Schefren and Strategic Profits and contains the ideas of the Australian entrepreneur, Pete Williams.

I love to say that my Profit Hacks review is independent but I'm an affiliate. I'm in this for the money so if you buy after clicking through from my links, I'll earn a commission.

In fact I'm such a good affiliate for Rich Schefren that I've been given free access to Profit Hacks to take a look around.

I've earn my success by writing reviews that are as honest as I can make them, that highlight the good and the bad in the product being reviewed and that make it clear that the product isn't right for everybody.

Let's begin.

The Profit Hacks Review

Just like all the other big launches, Profit Hacks is being promoted as the solution to the one big thing that's holding you back.

If that sounds cynical, I think you need to be when you're caught up in these product launches. Not everytjing is as it claims. If it was, you'd have already made your fortune from the courses that you've bought in the past.

Rich Schefren has admitted this problem in many of his launches.

How Profit Hacks Fits With The Other Rich Schefren Courses

His Business Growth System launch told you to stop being an opportunity seeker, chasing every shiny bright object that had big promises and to build a business based on having a clear strategic vision.

His Guided Profit System launch told you that? you need to focus on your constraints and learn a new way of thinking that helps you to identify them so that you can take action.

Both of those ideas are very true and that's why Rich Schefren has such a great reputation as the leading Internet marketing guru in the true sense of the word.

Profit Hacks has a similar promise and in some ways can be considered the third leg of the stool.

Profit Hacks is all about helping you to leverage your time and skills much more effectively.

This is a gross simplification but you can think of it as:

  1. The Business Growth System helps you to focus on the right idea (it's much more comprehensive than that and in my view is an outstanding course which Rich Schefren is rightly proud of and members still get weekly access to Q&A sessions with him).
  2. The Guided Profit System takes some of the ideas introduced in one of the modules of the Business Growth System much further? and gives you an entirely new way to think clearly about the issues that face your business.
  3. His monthly Founders Club gives you many of the tactics you need to build a successful Internet business as well as access to his latest ideas.
  4. Profit Hacks is the program that digs much deeper into how you do what you need to do to succeed.

You see, learning is good. I'm a coach, I love learning and I love helping other people learn.

Thinking is very important and really quite rare. People have a nasty habit of decising to do what other people do and that's generally bad news.

Learning and thinking will get you so far but action is the key.

It's only through purposeful and effective action that you'll achieve the success you want.

If it's necessary, it needs to be done, efficiently and effectively but not necessarily by you.

That's why Profit Hacks is so important.

Its focus is on efficient and effective action - the result should be getting much more out of the time you choose to spend working on and in your business, and provided that action is well directed, you shoudl be much more successful.

The Profit Hacks Coaching Website

To get value out of a course, you need to a) consume the training and b) change your actions.

Consumption must not be assumed. I suspect that everyone has bought an expensive course and never worked through it. I know I have and it's one of the big problems I have with launch bonuses.

An attractive and intuitive website design can certainly reduce the strain on learning and so too can presenting the information in different formats.

Some people like watching videos, other people hate them and prefer listening because they can do that away from the PC screen (or iPad etc). Others prefer to read.

Profit Hacks presents its information by video with a downloadable mp3 option. There isn't a transcript available (yet?) for those who much prefer reading.

The website looks great as this screen capture shows.

Profit hacks screen


There's a short welcome video to the Profit Hacks system with Pete Williams and Rich Schefren which explains how to get the best out of this course - you must watch this or you will waste time.

It also contains an appeal that goes along the lines of "what else do you need to know?" Incredibly Profit Hacks is going to be a developing course based on what its clients need so more training materials will be added using the Profit Hacks methodology. This has already happened with the first trial group of Profit Hacks users and it will continue with this first big launch but it won't happen indefinitely.

The Profit Hacks Modules

  • The Key Principles Of Leverage
  • Workflow / Time Hacks
  • Core Content Creation
  • Content Syndication
  • Leveraging Business Assets
  • Resources

The key principle of Profit Hacks is leverage, doing more with less effort.

You see this principle in physics every day and you can test it yourself by seeing the difference when you push to close a door close to the hinges and then again far from the hinges. The second way is much easier.

Module 1 starts with a Triage video.

This is a very short video but it helps you to determine how you will use the Profit Hacks ideas for your own particular working needs. Unlike other courses that need you to go from A to Z in order, you use the training in Profit Hacks when you need it and you skip the bits that you don't.

In the video, Pete Williams guides you through the triage process.

If you're not sure what triage is, it's used in emergency wards in hospitals for deciding how should be treated and for what based on critical need.

You need to find your critical needs and use Profit Hacks to fix them. When you're in control, you can drop down to the next level of need until you reach the point where any benefits are minor.


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