Friday 24 August 2012

What Causes Childhood Obesity? ? Part 42Children's Health and ...

As many of my regular viewers to this web blog know, there are many factors contributing to childhood obesity. I post daily here about it, whether news print articles, opinions, feedback, or just personal opinion.

Recently, I wrote an article for Yahoo! (click here) about childhood obesity. I started searching for sources for this article, and received over 100 responses to the question, ?What do you think caused the rise in childhood obesity?? Responses came from professional and Olympic athletes, fitness experts, health experts, nutritionist, and parents.

I was unable to use everyone?s feedback, but thought it would be great to post some of their responses on my blog in a new web series, ?What Causes Childhood Obesity.? I hope that you enjoy the opinions here from various individuals. Please remember, my including their posts does not necessarily mean I agree or endorse their opinion, rather, a place to share other people?s thoughts.

Keeping Kids Fit

Opinion: Andrea Metcalf

I believe the change in school mandates for including PE in the curriculum across the country has had a significant effect on childhood obesity rates. Illinois is the only state that still requires a physical education component in the school system. We have cut funding to something that should be a requirement ? movement for our children. The ?recess? periods aren?t enough and have no purpose or understanding. Additionally, products for dietary choices have increased ? at one time there were 2 snack choices or brands ? now 80% of the grocery store choices are nutrient poor and higher calorie than needed to grow a healthy child. Lastly, it cannot be forgotten that ?play? has now become more organized and competitive leaving many children not wanting to participate. We took the backyard games and put them on parent coaching/raging fields.

Replace morning school rituals of attendance/pledge of allegiance ( which many have done away with anyway ) and include a 15 minute stretch warm up or activity. Each teacher could start and end the day with this practice.

- Andrea Metcalf


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