Tuesday 1 January 2013

from My Mentors - Make A Living Writing

Well, this is it. Wrap it up with a bow ? 2012 ends tonight.

It?s time to reflect on what we?ve done as writers in the past year, and look ahead to what we want to write in the coming year.

If you don?t set a course, odds are high you won?t end up where you wanted to go.

My goals are pretty simple: write more ebooks, and work fewer hours. And of course, continuing to figure out how to make Freelance Writers Den more and more useful and valuable to members.

I want to prune my freelance client list and focus it more on assignments that relate to the writing life, which has slowly become my core topic. I?m hoping to do more work like my posts for FreelanceSwitch and articles for The Writer?s Market.

Then, I want to make more time for creating my own products, including updating my original Make a Living Writing ebook and splitting it into several smaller ebooks.

I?m ready to explore the world of Kindle ebooks and ebook marketing more in the coming year, to see if I could create a passive income stream and/or grow my blog audience through that channel. Several thousand people have downloaded my first Kindle ebook co-written with Linda Formichelli, 13 Ways to Get the Writing Done Faster, in just its first few weeks of release?so I take that as an encouraging sign that I should put out more ebooks.

I?ll also be looking at iTunes podcasts and YouTube videos as possible ways to bring new readers to this blog.

Finally, it?s seriously time to get more efficient. In the years when I was ramping up this blog, workaholism became the norm. I?m ready to kick the 8-to-midnight shift and weekend work time and get back to sane hours again, so watch for posts about how I?m doing that next year.

For a bit more inspiration, I asked a few of my friends and mentors in writing, blogging, and marketing if they?d share their outlooks on 2013 as well. It turned out to be a fascinating array of ideas ? including some about our whole annual resolution ritual!

If you don?t know these folks, you might want to check them out. They?ve all inspired me and helped me move this blog forward in some way.

?I don?t set goals, and I don?t make resolutions ? never have. I let things unfold organically, when the time is right. Still manage to be pretty productive, despite this (in the eyes of most of our achievement-obsessed culture, no doubt) crippling liability? ;) ??Peter Bowerman, The Well-Fed Writer book and blog

?I?m setting a goal of never missing a workout in 2013. I?ve got a 5-month streak going right now, and hopefully I can keep it alive.??James Clear

?My New Year?s resolution is to diversify. I established a solid base for myself in 2012 and now I want to strengthen my position by establishing multiple streams of significant income (i.e. four figures or more per month) in 2013. I?m excited for my plans which incorporate freelance writing, information products, eBooks, blogs and perhaps even more!??Tom Ewer, Leaving Work Behind

?I don?t really do resolutions, but my theme in 2013 is to live according to my values. I?ve been reading about the ?values gap,? where we say our values are one thing, but when you look at our actions, there?s a gap between our values and what we actually do. My values for me and my family are fun, compassion (especially for other writers, who I mentor and teach), and health. I?ve been finding some value gaps there, so in 2013 my goal is to be aware in the moment where I have a value-driven choice and to make the right decision.??Linda Formichelli, The Renegade Writer

?Most of us drastically underestimate what we can accomplish?myself included. So I?m taking steps to get out of that cycle. More than a resolution, this is going to be my theme for the coming year. Everything I do professionally will need to pass the ?Is this big enough?? test.

?In my freelance work, I?m determined to stretch myself in every way?better clients, higher fees, more interesting projects. And in my work with other freelancers, I?m committed to working on bigger ideas, as well as delivering transformative results and more focused training.??Ed Gandia-Founder, International Freelancers Academy

?My resolution is to stop making resolutions and start making more decisions.??Jeff Goins, GoinsWriter

?In 2013, I want to share more of what I know with everyone. Over the last 7 years, I?ve devoured hundreds of books, thousands of academic papers, and an ungodly number of blog posts. To date, much of this knowledge resides in my head. Thus far, over at Social Triggers, I?ve written less than 100 blog posts and created two training courses.

By the end of 2013, I?d like to have 6 training courses, another 100 blog posts, and most important, I want more than 100,000 people who can stand up and say, ?Derek helped me with???Derek Halpern, Social Triggers

?One of my ?big goals? for 2013 is to broaden my thinking and focus ? for my business, and for the scope of impact that I want to have on the world. So far, we?ve been flying by the seat of our pants, and growing incrementally ? looking for what seemed to be next from where we were.

Going forward, I want to spend a lot more time and energy *creating* the opportunities for the greatest impact that I know my team and I can have.??Danny Iny, Firepole Marketing

?My resolution is to put someone else?s name beside everything on my to-do list, and if I don?t have anyone, I?ll find them.??Jon Morrow, Boost Blog Traffic

?My resolution for the new year is to create more passive income from my writing. Most of my effort has been devoted to working for clients and I only get paid for hours worked; I want to change this in the new year. I?ll be launching a product and two that will leverage the power of my writing to sell.??Bamidele Onibalusi, YoungPrePro

?In 2013, the most important thing in my writing business is to understand the purpose behind everything I write. With only so many hours every day, the words I finish before each one ends are all I?ll have to show for that time ? forever. Sometimes I write for assets, and sometimes for fun. Sometimes I?m trading time for money, and sometimes I write to know myself better.

All of these are fine, but knowing what I?m writing and why ? before I mar the blank page ? is essential to a bigger, better year.??Sean Platt

?My key goal for 2013 is a better work/life balance. I?ve made good progress on this in recent years, but I want to spend even less time working and even more time traveling, hiking, and enjoying my friends and family. I?ll achieve this by increasing both my hourly rate and my work efficiency.? John Soares, ProductiveWriters.??

?I?d like to be making enough money this year from my fiction writing that if I wanted to (I won?t), I?d be able to stop doing everything else I do to make money.??Johnny B Truant


What are your freelance writing goals for 2013? Get some accountability and share them in the comments below.

P.S. If your resolution is to get more gigs, check out my upcoming bootcamp (which includes a free month in Freelance Writers Den!), How to Use Social Media to Get Freelance Gigs ? today?s the last day to register for half price.



Source: http://www.makealivingwriting.com/2012/12/31/inspiring-years-resolutions-freelancers-mentors/

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