Thursday 14 February 2013


-- This idea is based on the show Merlin, and this fanfiction I happened to stumble upon, about it. So I can not take the credit for the idea. --

For someone with so many secrets, Merlin doesn't think he's very good at lying. So agreeing to discuss his friendship with the Prince of Wales at University as part of a televised documentary is probably not a good idea. Juggling magic, Royal protocol, suave (and persistent) Dukes, a Princess with attitude, and a serious amount of coursework was only the start. Oh and then there was Arthur himself. Yeah, probably shouldn't mention much about that...

I wish I could request that you read the story before anything, but considering it is a fairly long read... well it's a bit impossible. Though I did happen to finish the first part of the series in less than a week, I was a tad bit obsessed, I s'pose.

This idea is as simple as the italic text above suggests. Merlin and Arthur reincarnated in a more modern society, specifically 2011. Though, in the fanfiction I mentioned, the first book is mostly flashbacks that Merlin experiences while being interviewed by none other than Morgause. But in this RolePlay I would like to cut out the idea of the interview, and just have it turned to the flashbacks.

One thing that will be majorly different from most Merlin and Arthur shows you will find is this; love. Of course, we all know that Merlin is all forever-alone and Arthur runs off to marry Guinevere. Well, prepare to have your socks knocked off because in this modern-world reincarnation of the two, there is love. Between Arthur and his lovely friend Merlin.

Both men attend the same college, Albion University, or more well known as AU. Though Arthur barely spares Merlin a glance, after all he is the Prince of Wales. Merlin shares a campus dorm with Gwen and Lance, whom have been dating ever since Lance got tired of hearing Gwen swoon over Arthur and finally kissed her. Arthur travels around to his various apartments[if you can call a ten room house an apartment], houses, and palaces.

So, yes. Since I can't make you read the book, I'm going to give a short run through of what happens. Ready? Go!

Chapter One
Nothing important!

Chapter Two
Merlin and Arthur embark on a school ski trip. Obviously Arthur has no care for Merlin being there; he doesn't even know the other student! And Merlin only knows Arthur is present because of the never-ending cheering of girls. Unfortunately, Merlin manages to run down a hill and slip... throwing himself right into Arthur. Which causes the body-guards to manhandle Merlin to his feet until Arthur finally decides to let him go.

Chapter Three and Four
Merlin ski's down the hill, or at least as much down the hill as he can get before pulling to a chairlift and getting on. Though just as it's about to take off an irresponsible prat decides to jump on with him. Guess who it is?, Arthur, obviously. His bodyguard Leon is on the chair behind him. Arthur and Merlin have a small fight before Merlin somehow slows time. This is when he realizes someone has an interest on Arthur's life, specifically on ending it. Time returns to normal and Merlin throws himself on top of Arthur, causing him to get shot instead of the Prince. This is when Arthur's "maternal" side kicks in and he starts screaming for someone to help him get Merlin down.

Chapter Five
Merlin awakes in the hospital, Arthur is beside him. Uther comes in a few moments later, almost demanding that Merlin attends the King's yearly Christmas party. Which consists of being there two days before Christmas, and then having to stay a few days after Christmas. Uther and Arthur depart, leaving a drugged and shot Merlin with Gwen and Lance.

Chapter Eight
Arthur goes to check on Merlin, who is in the room across from his. It's a guest room, typically, though it is never really used because it is so close to the Royal family. Apparently they made an exception for Merlin, since he'd just saved the Prince's life. Though Arthur finds Merlin struggling to clothe himself, and also finds that his suit isn't "good enough". Arthur fetches Merlin a better suit, and then even helps him get dressed since... well he'd gotten shot in the arm.

Chapter Nine
After spending a few hours alone, Merlin finds himself in a bit of a... predicament. Meaning he has to figure out how to tie a tie. Attempting to use magic to do it, he instead finds himself being choked by the tie. Arthur comes in in time and "saves" Merlin from his "idiot"ness.

Chapter Ten/Eleven/Twelve
Arthur, Merlin, and Gwain find themselves in a rather awkward situation during the Christmas party. As in Gwain is flirting unmercifully with Merlin, Arthur is getting very jealous[though he would never admit it], and Merlin finds himself in the middle of a "peaceful" war between the two. Obviously Arthur threatens Gwain when Merlin leaves to get drinks, saying that if he ever tries to touch the boy again that Arthur will kill him.

Alright, lucky for you guys this is a thirty-seven chapter book, I can't do this. Basically Arthur is a prattish prince and Merlin is his secretly-in-love-with-him-and-also-secretly-is-a-warlock best friend. Of course Arthur will probably end up doing something foolish and kiss Merlin, then say please forget about it, even though he secretly knows that he likes Merlin too. But yes, everything is up for changing and all that good stuff. Except for the FC's, the FC's have been picked out already. I was aiming for a onexone, though I suppose more characters could be included. GwenxLance could be included, and if we made a relationship up between MorganaxGwain we could include them too. :3 Though... yeah. It's all up for making up!

o//o now I'm nervous though, because I don't know if anyone will like this... I hope they do... I really want to do this... though playing Merlin may break my heart... I mean... just reading the story shattered my heart... but playing him? Terrible...

You can message me, or post here! Messaging is definitely preferred.. but I'll be stalking this too!


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