January 31, 2013 |??
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The blog network at Scientific American is vast. It?s one of the largest, most comprehensive sources of science information on the web, and our bloggers are adding posts on a daily basis. SciAm Cinema is a brand new monthly video series that will examine some of the most fascinating stories on the blog network each month. I?ve been wanting to do a series like this for quite some time, as I am always moved by the excellent stories I read by many of my co-bloggers. So I was thrilled to hear that the powers on top thought it was a great idea as well!
So I present to you episode 1 of Sciam Cinema ? with highlights from many of our blogs including Christie Wilcox, Alex Wild, Christina Agapakis, Maria Konnikova, John Matson and Caleb Scharf.
I hope you enjoy, and I welcome your feedback. See you next month!
About the Author: Carin Bondar is a biologist, writer and film-maker with a PhD in population ecology from the University of British Columbia. Find Dr. Bondar online at www.carinbondar.com, on twitter @drbondar or on her facebook page: Dr. Carin Bondar ? Biologist With a Twist. Follow on Twitter @drbondar.More??
The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Scientific American.
Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=5ebca15950cf24047030b17fd6de4b49
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