Sunday 28 October 2012

Carol's Creativity | Artist of the Everyday

Creativity is like freedom: ?once you taste it,
you cannot live without it. ?It is a transformational
force, enhancing self-esteem and self-empowerment.

~Natalie Rogers~

All art is a terrific bridge. ?The arts are not just
entertainment. ?Music, paintings, words, they
really do speak to the soul, to the heart, to the
spirit, to each and every one of us human
beings and members of this one tribe.
Members of this one planet.

~Julia Cameron~

We are all inventors of our own futures.
And creativity is the heart of invention.

~Tina Seelig~

Creative work is play. ?It is free speculation
of ones chosen form.

~Stephen Nachmanovitch~

Creativity can flourish more when it is
part of your whole being as a person,
in the flow of life, and not just a ?segment?
you do when you have time.

~Douglas Eby~

This is my friend Carol ? a photo taken at my wedding 23 years ago ? my maid of honor. ?I have known Carol since 1976 and because my friends from high school and university slipped out of my life over the years, she is my oldest friend ? ?oldest? in?years of friendship, not age ? she?s six years younger than me! ?We?ve shared a lot of life?s joys as well as life?s trials over the years, and although we don?t see each other as often as we?d like because we now live in different cities, our friendship continues to grow and thrive!

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but
only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.

~Eleanor Roosevelt~

Here?s a more recent photo of my beautiful friend which I ?borrowed? from her Face Book page. ? She was here last month but unfortunately I didn?t take any photos. ?The reason I?m writing this post is to show her paintings and highlight the importance of surrounding ourselves with friends who inspire us to step out of our comfort zones, continue to grow, and expand our lives. ?Carol found something she is passionate about (drawing and painting), followed it, and makes time for it in her busy life. ?She is an inspiration for me in my quest to live a creative life ? she is an Artist of the Everyday. ?Her creative spirit is alive and well and shines through in all areas of her life.

Friends are the?mirror reflecting back who we are.

This is another photo I ?borrowed? from her Face Book page. ?I like it because it reminds me of the first thing we did together ? cross-country skiing on the local mountains in Vancouver. ?Our journeys have taken us in various directions since that day, ups and downs, many corners turned, but our paths always converge and we stay traveling together on the road of life, and for that I am grateful. ?We have so many fabulous memories to share and to continue making.

Friends are as companions on a journey,
who ought to aid each other to persevere
in the road to a happier life.



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