Friday 30 September 2011

For The Kids ? A Charity Based Clothing Line Encouraging ...

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September 27, 2011 by admin?

Introducing a positive influenced clothing line that works towards giving back to the kids they wish to inspire and be a role model for.

For The Kids ? All Seeing Eye & Deathmoth Tank Top

San Diego, California (PRWEB) September 27, 2011

How many clothing lines out there stand for something positive to the children that are their audience? Or give back? Not many, if any.

In early 2011, Tomas ?Tommy Tadeo? Simunovic from San Diego, California decided that he wanted to start a movement to make a positive influence on kids of all ages around the world. After much thought and research the idea of ?For The Kids? came to mind. So on August 1st, 2011 ?For The Kids? was launched online and has had a good buzz and growing success.

?For The Kids? was then born out of a play on the phrase ?For The Win? which is popular amongst kids and teens on the internet. The idea behind ?For The Kids? is to spread the idea of being the most positive influence on kids around you that you can be. Whether those kids are family, friends, or just kids you meet out in the world. And to go along with spreading that message Tomas decided that proceeds from sales will be donated back to Rady?s Children?s Hospital in San Diego. The reason of ?For The Kids? message comes from three areas in Toma?s life:

-Growing up with medical conditions lead to a lot of time spent in the hospital as Tomas grew up. He?s had 73 surgeries and spent most of his childhood in the hospital with other kids going through intense medical conditions as he was. Tomas witnessed a lot of sick children that didn?t have the same parental love and support as he was fortunate enough to have, or children with parents who couldn?t afford to pay medical expenses needed. Or worst of all, seeing parents with sick children abandon them at the hospital because they couldn?t handle having sick children.

-Second, his time spent in the music scene seeing bands with a large following, consisted mostly of kids, teens and young adults, who weren?t a good influence on their following. He feels that musicians and bands should have a responsibility to be a good influence on kids in their audience because they?re so easily influenced by those that they look up too. Tomas feels that this idea also goes with anyone who?s a celebrity in the limelight with such a large following of kids, that they also have a responsibility to be the positive message that kids need.

-Lastly, in college Tomas did volunteer work with homeless and at-risk homeless teens. In his work he saw things he could never imagine. And feels that a large reason kids were in these situations is that because they didn?t have anyone to look up to as a positive influence.

Within the 2 months ?For The Kids? has been around, their feedback and support has been incredible. Gaining fans through Facebook and Twitter, kids all across the world have been talking about ?For The Kids?. Within a week of it?s launch, headlining bands at the Van?s Warped Tour wore ?For The Kids? on the stage to show their support of it?s cause and message. And has been contacted by other bands to begin working with ?For The Kids? and booking possible tours where For The Kids? can go along to promote and spread the positive message. A recent video release on YouTube (which is embedded to this press release) has given so much insight to what ?For The Kids? is and has helped give it more exposure and buzz.

For any question, comments, or feedback, we encourage you to contact us! You can check us out at, email us at forthekidsclothing(at)gmail(dot)com, or call us at (760) 224-9174.

Thank you for your time and hope to hear from you soon!

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